Friday, November 26, 2010


Yay! 50k surpassed in 2010, but the story isn't done yet. Fortunately, the robots don't know or care. The end of November is almost always bittersweet. I'll miss writing. I'll miss my characters. I'll have to start doing the dishes again.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Done! but not complete!

I woke up this morning and knew how my last two chapters should go. I thought it was possible that I could wrap up the story in only two more chapters.
I've hit 50k, but the story isn't over.
It'll be interesting to see how much more actually gets written!

Monday, November 8, 2010


So, I decided to back up my novel by opening the file to copy 'n' paste it into email to send myself a copy. Subject: 38209 (my word count).
Then I opened the document only to find that there were only 7712 words.
I didn't even swear out loud.
Silly document ended up in my "backup word files" folder in my "nanowrimo 2010 folder".

BTW - This is the only update/backup that I've done that wasn't an even number or a 5. I have weird number issues.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


One of the strange things about November is the way in which cause and effect is redesigned.

For example, I actually thought to myself, I have to name chapter twelve, and then I can go take a shower.

It's odd, really...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's only the 2nd -

and I've already achieved my first nano cheat - an elaborate description of wood burned walking sticks.

443 words.

and probably not even the entire 443 words since I added a few to make complete sentences.

Totally nano-legit.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 1

I wrote a few sentences.
6077 words.
3923 to go for my next bag of pretzel M&Ms.