Friday, July 6, 2007

Welcome to my tiny virtual world...

Words that I thought I would never type...

If I hadn't done so before, I've now entered the realm of official geekdom by learning how to create a blog. So, welcome to my cyber-entity that I have thus far lived without.

It will be interesting to see how much this site is actually used. I had a brief addiction, from which I've recovered, to, where my portfolio has two items. I have published a bad poem, "Candy," and a children's book excerpt, "Maggie". (Can I call it an excerpt when the published piece is the entirety of what I've written because the rest of the YA novel isn't written yet?) I just received another comment for "Maggie" three days ago, and it has been there since February 2006.

But for now, I've added a couple of cool writing links that I use a lot. If we don't have time for my Nanowrimo promotion, maybe I'll write it and post it here.


chelly said...

Thanks for sending me your address! Now we can blog!

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo! Congratulations on your new blog - and THANKS for sharing the links. Looking forward to reading your posts... I'm adding you to my list of Teacher Blogs that I check every day. :D -Kris

Debora Marsh said...

Great job! I love the photo! I can't wait to see what you add to it.


Lauren said...

Your links are fabulous! I think I will eventually have to partake in your addiction to the writers website. My battery is about to die, but let me say that I am enjoying entering geekdom with you. Truly, this is a whole new world for me! :)