Sunday, October 30, 2011

On the eve of the eve...

Things have been a little crazy around here. Work has sucked up waaaaay more of my weekends than it should be entitled to. However, that just forces me to get creative so that I can take back some of my time for more auspicious endeavors. Like spending all of Saturday at the dining room table doing work stuff so that I can have Sunday free for a kick-off party, shopping for muses/talismans, and motivational candy.

So, one kick-off party - check.
One vague concept of a plot - check.
Two bizzare subplots - check.
Two of the three major characters now have first names.

I'm not sure which of the minor characters will take over and demand his/her own pov chapters. It will be interesting to see how long it takes for that to happen.
After all, in 2009, my FMC suddenly needed a twin sister when I was 20,000 words into the story. Random noveling goodness.

Oh - and all of the tracks on my iPod are now named. Whew!


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