Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ten more days!

Yep. Ten more days. Or eleven, depending on whether or not you're counting the rest of today. I'm not. 

Pardon me while I take a few minutes to brag about this year's NaNoWriMo, as well as NaNo 2013 and 2014: I have a PLAN. It is a three-year plan. Okay, not a plan so much as an idea. Three ideas. Three vague notions flying around in the back of my brain. They've been bouncing around in there in some form or another for six years. Now is the year to call forth the plan and execute it in the manner in which I unexpectedly stumbled upon in 2006. 

What I've learned about NaNoWriMo since 2004: 
1. When I don't plan, sometimes (okay, one time) the characters took over and told me what was going on. That was an amazing thing. 
2. #1 doesn't happen every year. It's disappointing. 
3. When I do plan, the book is a lot more coherent and tends to contain less nano-babble (yes, it's a word. I just made it up.). 
4. It's a good thing that I know how to type. I am perpetually thankful to my mother who tortured me with take a year of typing class in high school.

So, there you go. In eight attempts, I've learned four things. I'm sure I've learned more than four, but those four are the most relevant. Oh - and I have a lot of fun writing when I don't take it seriously. I taking NOT taking Nano seriously very seriously. AND I got a royalty deposit this year. Amazon gave ME money  - and it wasn't a return. It was seriously cool. It was $10.64, but still... 

Now I should go off and do some of that planning that I mentioned. 

1 comment:

AKMBeach said...

Woot! Best of luck with your PLAN idea thing. Maybe the characters in your head are so stir-crazy they'll hit the paper running. :) And $10.64 is nothing to sneeze at! That's a decent lunch!