Saturday, March 15, 2008

readin', readin', readin' & writin' stuff

Started reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I know, I know... it's taken me way too long to jump on this wagon. Fortunately, the wagon is still in town. It has a bumper sticker that says, "I'd rather be reading Twilight".

About to start reading 15 novels from the 2006 NaNoWriMo extravaganza. Need excerpts for my article. At least now, I have a reason for reading 15 novels, thanks to my writing group. Writing groups are good. I highly recommend them.

Need to get back to the library. I have six overdue books - none of them starring Stephanie Plum. I finished book ten. I have three more to go before I join the ranks of those eagerly on edge for the next installment.

About to venture into NaNoWriMo's ScriptFrenzy with a neice o' mine.
I've never tried to write a script before. And other than writing a grant application page or two, I've never really co-authored anything before. This should be a frenzy of adventure. ScriptFrenzy is April 1-30. Why can't the good folks at the Office of Letters and Light pick months with 31 days??? Really? Would an extra 24 hours hurt anyone? An optimist would say, "Good thing neither of them are in February!" A mathemetician would say that it's the law of averages or something... A writer would say, "...." (Nothing because it's not April yet. We don't cheat. We may pad the word count, but we don't cheat.)

Check this out:

There are also some links to free downloads - and one very expensive one - for script writing software. We're not sure how we're going to write this thing, collaboratively. Google docs was my first choice. I'll let my co-author investigate the options and decide. She has a little more free time on her hands than I do. Even if we don't do this, it's cool to know that it's out there!


Me said...

Yes - I too am now a Twilight fan, waiting for the next installment... another book recommended by my students!

ScriptFrenzy sounds fun! Writing collaboratively is always interesting. My most successful collaboration was with you (and J.) - on that grant. :D

Is ScriptFrenzy by the same people who run NaNoWriMo? Enjoy your crazy month!


Me said...

Hmmmm... maybe WE should collaborate again... :D


Angel K said...

Yes, they are, and yes, we should. :)